San Francisco Schtuff

San Francisco real estate, events, food and neighborhood

Which Dolores Park Are You?

dolores parkThough this was originally posted to Flickr in 2006, it’s awesome and still true, years later.  We found this Dolores Park map in Aynne’s Photostream and we want to know where our readers find themselves hanging out at Dolores Park, so please tell us, dear readers.  Check out Aynne’s original post for the fantastic detailed descriptions of each area.

A. Hipster Valley
B. Jocks, Bros and Hos
C. Latin American Club
D. The bathrooms
E. Gay cruising + Sunbathing
F. Kids and picnickers
G. Geek Section
H. Hipster overflow/ family outings
I. Scary drunks and Hobo section

Tell us where you hang, in the comment section.

Which Dolores Park are You [Flickr]
Aynne’s photostream [Flickr]

Filed under: Ggold , ,

3 Responses

  1. Garrett says:

    i can usually be found smack-dab in between E & I and sometimes in H

  2. Shannon says:

    where is the puppy section? I would say that H is the lesbian valley, rename G to Dogs and move it to the left of the diagram to the pathway through the park.

  3. Slappy says:

    I avoid this park like the plague as it is always crowded and obnoxious. :)

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