Some people have it all–love, friends, money, homes, yachts and a wide lot on the corner of 18th and Rhode Island.  This lot, (some have told me it’s a double wide) has sat near the top of Potrero Hill, empty for about a zillion years (according to geological records).  It is owned by a man that actually sees value in keeping it open, rather than developing it–blasphemy!  Some of you may remember this lot as the former home of  Walk-In Movies until the event got too popular, loud and messy and had to be discontinued.  Though the neighbors and their dogs currently enjoy the grass, community garden and park bench with some of the city’s best views, the lot is not being used to its highest and best value, until now!  The San Francisco Permaculture Guild has been cleared to develop a thriving permaculture site to serve as a living classroom for permaculture demonstration and production. The site is envisioned to be a densely planted, terraced design taking advantage of the site features. Trees and other tall plants will be kept within appropriate dimensions for harvesting, usually under 8 feet. Improvement of site ecology and diversity of life is the main focus.

Yields envisioned for the site include:

  • food yield to share
  • improved ecology
  • living classroom
  • tranquil space for gathering
  • community building

And for those of you that don’t know, permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements, in particular the development of perennial agricultural systems that mimic the structure and interrelationships found in natural ecologies. The core principles are Earthcare, Peoplecare, and Fairshare.

SF Permaculture Guild [website]
18th and Rhode Island Project [SFPG]
Slide Show [SFPG]

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