San Francisco Schtuff

San Francisco real estate, events, food and neighborhood

A Juicy Apple From the Vending Machine


Macy’s San Francisco is making shopping easier and healthier with Apple’s. In the basement level (just past the food court before you enter the housewares department) they have an Apple iPod vending machine! This machine is futuristic (or something you’d see in Japan) as hell! You’ll notice from the picture above, people trust it and use it! The screen is amazingly simple to use, the products are packaged in all the finest materials that will never break down in a landfill but look sweet as [eye] candy and without a nagging salesperson by your side, you can be in and out, iPod in hand in moments. Simply fascinating.

Filed under: Ggold, downtown, random , ,

3 Responses

  1. theFrontSteps says:

    bradas! I hate those vending machines. I was surfing down at OB. Used to always stash my keys under the bumper. There was, and is, someone who watches all the surfers hide keys. Then, watch the surfer go into the water, and have a good two to three hours to get said keys, unlock the car, get the wallet and credit cards, put keys back in the car, lock it, and go shopping. They bought two ipods at kiosks just like this in the Embarcadero, $600 of clothes at the GAP, groceries at Safeway, gas, paid for their parking, and even went to get a hair style. No joke. This was about a year ago. Grand total was like $1000 in two hours. So…I hate those machines.

  2. Garrett says:

    yeah, personally, i wouldn’t put my credit card in a vending machine unless i knew it wasn’t bunk. i mean, who’s to say this sleaze ball that takes your keys isn’t the same guy setting up these fake machines and taking credit card numbers as the card is swiped–ya know? the fact that the machine was in a macy’s made me feel more comfortable, but i hear ya FrontSteps, it can be shiesty.

  3. Matty P. says:

    Find a better place to hide your keys.

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