January 31, 2008 • 9:18 pm

440 Brannan is owned and operated by SF fashion designer Roger Alan. 440 Brannan is a subterranean retail warehouse offering limited-edition outerwear that’s further customizable in the design studio. A cold body begins by picking a jacket– anything from a work-friendly trench coat to a cafe-racer-inspired bomber. From there, you can choose among bespoke stitching, linings, labels, thicken the quilting or swap bits of the jacket’s material for locally sourced canvas, denim or neoprene.
440 Brannan [website]
image provided by 440 Brannan
Filed under: Ggold, SoMa, fashion , fashion, SoMa
January 30, 2008 • 9:06 pm

The Fed cut the fed funds rate yet again. The second such cut in 8 days. The rate now stands at 3%! The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which private institutions (mostly banks) lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other banks overnight. Though there is a slight lag in the time before consumers feel such a cut, it means money is getting cheaper to borrow. Some [me] worry about inflation, but the Fed seems to think that stimulating the economy in the short term is a good long term solution.
The New York Times Reports:
“The central bank acknowledged that it is now far more worried about an economic slowdown than rising inflation, and it left open the possibility of additional rate reductions.
“Financial markets remain under considerable stress, and credit has tightened further for some businesses and households,” the central bank said in a statement accompanying its decision. In addition, it said, recent data indicated that the housing market is still getting worse and the job market appears to be “softening.””
This, coupled with the soon to be voted on conforming rate stimulus package will mean that borrowers are going to save a whole lot of dough versus just a few months ago to borrow money to purchas a home in sF. If the Stimulus Package is passed, the conforming loan rate will change from $417,000 to $729,750 for one unit dwellings in San Francisco. This alone (not including the rate drop) will save a borrower $600 a month with 10% down on a borrowed amount of $900K.
Fed Cuts Rates by Half-Point; 2nd Reduction in 8 Days [NYT]
Federal Funds Rate [Wikipedia]
Filed under: Ggold, mortgage, news , garrett goldman, mortgage, news
District Map (PDF)
Condominiums |
District 1 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
17 |
6 |
Median Selling Price |
809,000 |
862,500 |
Average DOM |
44 |
49 |
District 2 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
1 |
0 |
Median Selling Price |
107,328 |
Average DOM |
39 |
District 3 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
2 |
1 |
Median Selling Price |
612,500 |
514,000 |
Average DOM |
21 |
44 |
District 4 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
7 |
2 |
Median Selling Price |
550,000 |
570,000 |
Average DOM |
77 |
62 |
District 5 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
37 |
23 |
Median Selling Price |
767,500 |
850,000 |
Average DOM |
58 |
48 |
District 6 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
18 |
10 |
Median Selling Price |
797,500 |
767,500 |
Average DOM |
43 |
44 |
District 7 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
20 |
16 |
Median Selling Price |
1,212,500 |
1,115,500 |
Average DOM |
48 |
59 |
District 8 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
26 |
27 |
Median Selling Price |
700,000 |
700,000 |
Average DOM |
64 |
60 |
District 9 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
47 |
39 |
Median Selling Price |
766,000 |
640,000 |
Average DOM |
49 |
54 |
District 10 |
Dec-06 |
Dec-07 |
Number of Sales |
11 |
1 |
Median Selling Price |
470,000 |
540,000 |
Average DOM |
75 |
103 |
Data Provided by SFAR
Filed under: Ggold, stats , stats
January 29, 2008 • 7:14 pm

We haven’t done much prodding for comments, but we’re startin’ to get a little worried. Cat got your tongue? A few people have been sharing their thoughts, but the vast majority of our visitors read us, use us and leave us–making us feel very cheap
. This blogging thing isn’t easy kids! With some insight, feedback, comments, thoughts, ideas, sh*t talking and insightful narrative, this place will be a much happier place for us all, so speak up and comment.
Yesterday, EH, brought it to our attention that it was difficult to comment because the reader has to scroll WAAAAY, down to the bottom of the screen. Sometimes that is the case unfortunately. However, there is a “comment” link at the top of every post. Just click it (it often says, “no comment”) and our handy-dandy code will bring you right down to a comment box where you can spill your guts.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Filed under: Ggold, random , favorites, random
John King of the San Francisco Chronicle shared his feelings about the Soma Grand on Monday. Below are a few of our favorite insights…
Mr. King on shipping containers:
“Containerization” refers to the movement of goods by ship and rail in stark utilitarian crates. These days, unfortunately, it also describes what’s happening in more and more cities as the landscape gets cluttered with buildings that contain housing but otherwise just sit there, static and squat.”
Mr. King on shape:
“…San Francisco has the perfect tower to illustrate the trend: the Soma Grand” “It’s nearly as wide as it is tall, and it meets the skyline with nothing more memorable than a mid-block spire that looks like a car antenna.”
Mr. King on the Soma Grand:
“…It’s a wet blanket at billboard scale.”
SoMa tower: Grand it ain’t [SF Gate]
Soma Grand [website]
Image provided by Soma Grand
Filed under: Ggold, SoMa, funny sh*t, new Real Estate developments, random, real estate , funny sh*t, random, real estate, SoMa, soma grand
January 28, 2008 • 5:55 am

The Hugo Hotel, the 4 story structure that’s been sitting vacant on 6th Street at Howard Street for over 20 years with furniture suspended from the windows and outside walls may soon be taken by the city with some force. Eminent domain is the little trick that the city has up its sleeve to turn that giant plot of land in the ever changing, yet ever seedy 6th street corridor into space for affordable housing. Eminent domain with its roots in English Common Law is the inherent power of the state to seize a citizen’s private property without the owner’s consent. The property is taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties who will devote it to “public use.” This hotel has been sporting a for sale sign for years, but the owners refuse to sell the lovely structure and the land for a price anybody is willing to pay.
SFGate reports that “last week the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency announced it has begun the process of taking over the Hugo through the use of eminent domain. It will probably be demolished for space for affordable housing.”
Sixth Street keeps trying to make a comeback [SF Gate]
Eminent Domain [Wikipedia]
Defenestration (artists project/involvement with the Hugo) [Metaphorm]
Filed under: Ggold, SoMa, neighborhood changes, news , 'hood changes, hugo hotel, news, SoMa

By B-Hizzie:
I eagerly awaited the opening of Basso’s in Noe Valley. Walking by it every day left little to be desired (it looked the same as CyBelle’s…), BUT lemme tell ya, I ate there and it was d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s. Walking into the place, the renovations became more apparent as well. The fun part about this place is that it’s connected to Noe’s bar, so the atmosphere is casual and they have good c-tails.
We started with the Calamari and it was pretty darn good, not the BEST I have ever had, but good enough to order again. We had four in our party and with a pre-dinner drink each, apps., four entre’s AND a bottle of wine, each couple got out for about $75 and the food was excellent. Between the 4 of us, we enjoyed the fillet, a pizza, a New York steak and a pasta dish. All were very very good.
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed under: B-Hizzie, Food, Noe Valley, restaurants , Food, Noe Valley, restaurants
January 25, 2008 • 6:49 pm

As always, if you would like a detailed list of any particular ‘hood, just ask.
Ashbury Heights: 1:00-4:00pm
1025 Ashbury Street: $1,850,000
Bernal Heights: 2:00-3:00pm
580 Prentiss Street: $699,000
Cole Valley: 2:00-4:00pm
235 Broderick Street: $2,129,000
Dolores Heights: 1:00-4:00pm
32 Carson Street: $1,325,000
Excelsior: 2:00-4:00pm
525 Edinburgh Street: $589,900
Financial District: 2:00-4:00pm
550 Davis Street #35: $859,000
Glen Park: 1:00-4:00pm
73 Miguel: $2,875,000
Haight Ashbury: 2:00-4:00pm
1 Hillpoint: $1,549,000
Ingleside Heights: 1:00-4:00PM
40 Cerritos Ave: $1,595,000
Japan Town: 2:00-4:00
1455 Laguna Street #4: $375,000
Kite Surfing (youtube)
Lower Pacific Heights: 2:00-4:00pm
2064 Pine Street: $749,000
Marina: 2:00-4:00pm
767 Marina Blvd: $4,950,000
Noe Valley: 1:00-4:00pm
981 Dolores Street: $959,000
Outer Sunset: 2:00-4:00pm
4028 Ortega Street: $599,000
Potrero Hill: 1:00-4:00pm
1073 Mississippi Street: $899,000
Questlove bringin’ bodacious beats back! (youtube)
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed under: Ggold, open houses, real estate, weekend , open houses, real estate, weekend

Cortland Ave., the cute artery lined with shops, businesses and plenty of residents, connects Mission Street to Bayshore Blvd. The topography of Cortland Ave. is reminicent of a street in New Orleans–chalk full of deep pot holes, constant construction work, narrow side walks and bursting pipes with flowing water. There is almost always traffic on Cortland Ave., but the little avenue has continued to mature as new restaurants (Piqueos, Tinderbox) pop up, new business start (Home San Francisco, Avedano’s) and homes around Cortland continue to fetch top dollar.
There has been much drama associated with a large former lumber yard that sits at the end of Cortland Avenue on Bayshore Blvd. For years residents have put up a fight to keep Home Depot, a large box store out of their hood. For years this large lumber yard has sat empty with a “The Home Depot, YES!” sign out front. After driving by yesterday, a tipster sent us the above image with a new sign that says “The Home Depot; Coming Soon!” We anticipate a lot of stank eye from the residents of Bernal Heights and a whole hell of a lot more traffic along Cortland Ave.
Welcome to Cortland Avenue [San Francisco Schtuff]
Homes near Cortland Ave. [Home San Francisco]
Filed under: Bernal Heights, Ggold, neighborhood changes , 'hood changes, Bernal Heights
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