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SF Zoo’s Same-Sex Penguins Split

Harry and Pepper, the SF Zoo’s same-sex couple have raised a strong, healthy boy and have been living happily together for years.  They became friends early in life, but sparks flew once puberty hit.  Now that the boy has grown, Harry seems to be experimenting with females!

same sex penguins

Photo: Nicole Bengiveno / New York Times

Things were great with Harry and Pepper according to the SF Examiner:

Harry would gather grass and bring it home to Pepper, who would arrange it tidily in their burrow.  Single females would come around, but both birds never seemed interested.

Time went on and Linda, a friend of Harry and Pepper left her mate to start hanging out with a recently single, Fig.  While with Fig, Linda and Harry became friendly and

One day, Harry and Linda approached Pepper’s pen and confronted Pepper. Harry began attacking Pepper violently and the three ultimately had to be separated.  Harry and Linda successfully nested this year and eventually Pepper was returned to the penguin exhibit from a bachelor pad at the Avian Conservation Center, where he quietly took up his old residence. Zookeepers and fans are waiting with bated breath to see what might happen next.

Zoo penguin couple breaks up [SF Examiner]

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