Wholly smokes there has been a lot of chatter and controversy over the sold data that we publish each Monday morning. Due to the heated discussion and ruffled feathers, we’ve decided to take some more time and continue working on a solution that is fair, makes sense, is within the rules of the assocition yet comprehensive enough so that our “clients” can educate themselves and analyze market conditions.

For those unfamiliar with what is going on…

We publish the sold data for a particular property type each week. Seductively Sold has become one of our most popular posts as real estate porn addicts love to see what homes sold for compared to the asking price and because people want to compare their property against what has recently sold in their neighborhood, without a commitment to using a particular real estate agent. It was brought to our attention that we were not allowed to display such sold data to the general public as it is against the rules of the SFAR. We believe that people should be privy to this data without committing to representation, but others in the association disagree with such a philosophy. We found a password protected solution last week, but are not amazingly happy with the functionality and are thus in limbo, trying to work on a better solution.

Sorry for the inconvienience for those of you that check in each Monday, but we’re hoping we’ll be back, data ready, for you by next week.

And the Selling Price is…Password Protected? [SF Sweet Digs; Redfin Blog]
Seductively Sold 00 [SF Schtuff]

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